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TMSA Triad
Triad Math and Science Academy
700 Creek Ridge Rd, Greensboro, NC 27406
(336) 676 5350 / (336) 676 5351
| Fax
(336) 621-0072
TMSA Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month
TMSA Spirit Wear Fridays are Back!
We are closed Friday due to Hurricane Helene
Enter the 2023 Red Ribbon Contest
TMSA is a B school with 95.5% growth rate!
TMSA Annual Multicultural Festival 2024
TMSA Alumni Reunion 2024: Reigniting Tradition!
TMSA Admission Lottery for 2024-2025
TMSA Triad Open House: Explore, Connect, Apply
TMSA Celebrates 15 Years of Excellence
TMSA gives back to the community thru Red Cross
TMSA STEM Fair:Unleash Your Scientific Curiosity
Join TMSA's 15th Anniversary Celebration
You are Invited to Celebrate Heritage Month
Enter the 2024 Red Ribbon Contest
Saturday Academy (2023-2024) Registration Form
TMSA Triad Earns Cognia System Accreditation
TMSA Students Bring Home 2 Gold Medals
TMSA Schools Request for Proposals
Open House / Family Tours Begin for the 2023-2024
TMSA Organizes Blood Drive with Red Cross
A TMSA student is on her way to Harvard
TMSA Annual Multicultural Festival 2023
TMSA Alumni Reunion
Mayor Vaughan Visits TMSA Triad
Please join us as we honor Mayor of Greensboro
TMSA Driver’s Education Registration Form
TMSA Triad Wins Red Ribbon Week Photo Contest
Thanksgiving Message from the Principal's Desk
TMSA: Awards for Teacher Performance
Two opportunities for fun & adventure!
Successful Annual Autumn Fest!
You're Invited to Celebrate Heritage Month
Congratulations to TMSA’s Highest Achievers!
Enter the 2022 Red Ribbon Contest
Announcement: Asynchronous Day
The CAP of TMSA Honors Their Leaders
MAP test score data analysis training by NWEA
TMSA students are closing the learning loss
The TMSA Loyalty Team!
We need your support for your child's safety
Mr. Powers’ Mobile Museum
Meet your District Federal Programs Coordinator
From The Principal's Desk
Work With TMSA!
Father's Day message from our Principal
TMSA Triad Class of 2022
TMSA Triad Middle School Commencement 2022
TMSA Athletics Awards 2022
TMSA Middle Schoolers Organize School Dance
TMSA Multicultural Festival
TMSA's Big Fun in the Big Apple
TMSA Students Mapping out the Future
TMSA Annual Multicultural Festival
Leader in Me Guidance Lessons for Students
TMSA Family Appreciation Week
TMSA April Board Meeting
TMSA Spring 2022 Band Concert
TMSA Bid Opportunities for Vendors
TMSA Middle Schooler Honored by Fire Department
TMSA March Board Meeting
MISS TMSA Annual Breakfast
TMSA Special Board Meeting
TMSA at NC Chamber Podcast
TMSA February Board Meeting
Triad Middle Wins Central Carolina Conference
TMSA January Board Meeting
TMSA December Board Meeting
Triad Wins Red Ribbon Week Photo Contest
Apply Now! 6-12 Applications Open for 2022-2023
Mr. Kandil is Triad Secondary's New Principal
Free COVID-19 Testing at TMSA
TMSA November Board Meeting
Red Ribbon Week: Drug-Free Looks Like Me!
TMSA October Board Meeting
August 10, 2021: Welcome Back To School!
Sad Loss for TMSA: Triad's Mr. Ross Passed Away
TMSA and QCSS Joint Board Retreat
TMSA Needs You!
TMSA September Board Meeting
Warning: Vandalizing School Bathrooms for TikTok
Van Hagen Appointed as Triad's Interim Principal
TMSA Online Teacher Workshops
TMSA August Board Meeting
TMSA Back-to-School KickOff 2021-2022
TMSA's 15th Year Logo Design Contest
Student Government Association Elected Officials
School Performance
McKinney-Vento Act
Board & Governance
Elementary School
Middle School
High School
HS Profile
Course Catalog
College Prep
HS Programs
AP Program
Dual Enrollment
HS Orientation
Naviance Student
HS Forms
The Bulletin (News)
Health Office
About S.T.E.A.M. Education
Character Building
Home Visit Program
Building Leadership
Drop off & Pick up
Bus & Transportation
Breakfast and Lunch
Re-enrollment Form
TMSA Wellness Policy
Non-discrimination Statement
Distance Learning Portals
Title IX Coordinator
TMSA Parent & Student Handbook
AfterSchool Clubs
Academic Support
Testing Information
Competitive Teams
Bell Schedule
Teacher Websites
About Us
Alumni Portal
Staff Directory
TMSA Central Office
Say Something Anonymous Reporting
TMSA Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month
TMSA Spirit Wear Fridays are Back!
We are closed Friday due to Hurricane Helene
Enter the 2023 Red Ribbon Contest
TMSA is a B school with 95.5% growth rate!
TMSA Annual Multicultural Festival 2024
TMSA Alumni Reunion 2024: Reigniting Tradition!
TMSA Admission Lottery for 2024-2025
TMSA Triad Open House: Explore, Connect, Apply
TMSA Celebrates 15 Years of Excellence
TMSA gives back to the community thru Red Cross
TMSA STEM Fair:Unleash Your Scientific Curiosity
Join TMSA's 15th Anniversary Celebration
You are Invited to Celebrate Heritage Month
Enter the 2024 Red Ribbon Contest
Saturday Academy (2023-2024) Registration Form
TMSA Triad Earns Cognia System Accreditation
TMSA Students Bring Home 2 Gold Medals
TMSA Schools Request for Proposals
Open House / Family Tours Begin for the 2023-2024
TMSA Organizes Blood Drive with Red Cross
A TMSA student is on her way to Harvard
TMSA Annual Multicultural Festival 2023
TMSA Alumni Reunion
Mayor Vaughan Visits TMSA Triad
Please join us as we honor Mayor of Greensboro
TMSA Driver’s Education Registration Form
TMSA Triad Wins Red Ribbon Week Photo Contest
Thanksgiving Message from the Principal's Desk
TMSA: Awards for Teacher Performance
Two opportunities for fun & adventure!
Successful Annual Autumn Fest!
You're Invited to Celebrate Heritage Month
Congratulations to TMSA’s Highest Achievers!
Enter the 2022 Red Ribbon Contest
Announcement: Asynchronous Day
The CAP of TMSA Honors Their Leaders
MAP test score data analysis training by NWEA
TMSA students are closing the learning loss
The TMSA Loyalty Team!
We need your support for your child's safety
Mr. Powers’ Mobile Museum
Meet your District Federal Programs Coordinator
From The Principal's Desk
Work With TMSA!
Father's Day message from our Principal
TMSA Triad Class of 2022
TMSA Triad Middle School Commencement 2022
TMSA Athletics Awards 2022
TMSA Middle Schoolers Organize School Dance
TMSA Multicultural Festival
TMSA's Big Fun in the Big Apple
TMSA Students Mapping out the Future
TMSA Annual Multicultural Festival
Leader in Me Guidance Lessons for Students
TMSA Family Appreciation Week
TMSA April Board Meeting
TMSA Spring 2022 Band Concert
TMSA Bid Opportunities for Vendors
TMSA Middle Schooler Honored by Fire Department
TMSA March Board Meeting
MISS TMSA Annual Breakfast
TMSA Special Board Meeting
TMSA at NC Chamber Podcast
TMSA February Board Meeting
Triad Middle Wins Central Carolina Conference
TMSA January Board Meeting
TMSA December Board Meeting
Triad Wins Red Ribbon Week Photo Contest
Apply Now! 6-12 Applications Open for 2022-2023
Mr. Kandil is Triad Secondary's New Principal
Free COVID-19 Testing at TMSA
TMSA November Board Meeting
Red Ribbon Week: Drug-Free Looks Like Me!
TMSA October Board Meeting
August 10, 2021: Welcome Back To School!
Sad Loss for TMSA: Triad's Mr. Ross Passed Away
TMSA and QCSS Joint Board Retreat
TMSA Needs You!
TMSA September Board Meeting
Warning: Vandalizing School Bathrooms for TikTok
Van Hagen Appointed as Triad's Interim Principal
TMSA Online Teacher Workshops
TMSA August Board Meeting
TMSA Back-to-School KickOff 2021-2022
TMSA's 15th Year Logo Design Contest
Student Government Association Elected Officials
School Performance
McKinney-Vento Act
Board & Governance
Elementary School
Middle School
High School
HS Profile
Course Catalog
College Prep
HS Programs
AP Program
Dual Enrollment
HS Orientation
Naviance Student
HS Forms
The Bulletin (News)
Health Office
About S.T.E.A.M. Education
Character Building
Home Visit Program
Building Leadership
Drop off & Pick up
Bus & Transportation
Breakfast and Lunch
Re-enrollment Form
TMSA Wellness Policy
Non-discrimination Statement
Distance Learning Portals
Title IX Coordinator
TMSA Parent & Student Handbook
AfterSchool Clubs
Academic Support
Testing Information
Competitive Teams
Bell Schedule
Teacher Websites
About Us
Alumni Portal
Staff Directory
TMSA Central Office
Say Something Anonymous Reporting
Skip Sidebar Navigation
HS Profile
Course Catalog
College Prep
AP Program
Dual Enrollment
HS Orientation
Naviance Student
HS Forms
The Bulletin (News)
Last item for navigation
Triad Math and Science Academy
High School
HS Programs
Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment
Students who are enrolled in dual enrollment programs are required to maintain a presence at a
TMSA school,
maintaining a minimum GPA of 3.75 and achieving a Pre-ACT/ACT composite score of 21 or a
PSAT/SAT score of 1100*.
Dual Enrollment/CCP Course Enrollment Form Grades 9 - 12
The parent or guardian of the high school student must give permission for the course to be taken, and then
the student and parent/guardian must complete the TMSA dual enrollment form prior to enrolling in the
course. Enrollment of a student in a course is the responsibility of the student and parent/guardian. The course
must be approved in advance by the principal through the use of the dual enrollment form.
General Policies, Eligibility Guidelines, and Application Process
1. The course must be part of the student’s comprehensive course of study.
2. The course must provide opportunities not currently available at the student’s school.
3. The student must complete the Dual Enrollment form and have the signed approval of the principal or
principal's designee prior to registering for the course.
4. In order to start CCP,
a. Students must complete at least 14 total high school credits; and
b. Complete all expected requirements for their grade levels at exceptional level (B or above)
(for CCP).
c. The student must be enrolled for at least 50% of the school course load and progressing
toward graduation at the base school.
5. Dual Enrollment with a 4 year College / University can start as early as 9th grade, and students are allowed
up to 1 course per semester.
6. The student must contact the cooperating institution and complete all admission and registration or other
requirements as requested by the community college or university. The student must provide their own
transportation, be responsible for any fees, and follow all rules, regulations, and calendars as set by the
cooperating institution.
7. The student will be responsible for providing an official grade report directly to the school as evidence of dual
enrollment course completion. The course will be added to the student’s transcript, and an Incomplete (I) will
be noted by the end of the semester if the official grade is not received. If a transcript is not received by
the end of the school year, the grade will convert from an Incomplete (I) to an F, and the F will be
calculated on the transcript. Once a student is enrolled, the course cannot be dropped without permission
of the principal or designee and following the proper procedures of the cooperating institution.
a. University or college transfer courses of three to five (3-5) hours will receive one credit at the base
b. Community college courses of at least forty-nine (49) contact hours will receive one-half credit at the
base school. Community college courses of at least ninety-nine (99) contact hours will receive one-
half credit at the base school.
8. To continue the dual enrollment or CCP programs, students must maintain a minimum B or above from each
college course.
9. The student must take community college or university courses for graded credit in order to earn high school
10. Course Withdrawal Penalty: Students are not allowed to drop a course after the first two weeks of school.
If a student withdraws after the two-week period, a failure (WF) is noted as the grade, and the course is
counted as a course attempted with no quality points earned. This action will result in a lower grade point
average for the student, and students will not be allowed to continue the dual enrollment or CCP program.
11. Quality points will be calculated as defined in the TMSA High School Program Planning Guide.
12. The student must provide his or her own transportation, be responsible for any fees, and follow all rules,
regulations, and calendars as set by the cooperating institution.
*TMSA Triad - Class of 2025 requirements: Minimum 3.50 weighted GPA and 20 Pre-ACT/ACT
composite Score or 1000 PSAT/SAT