On Friday, September 16th, AP Major. Bagnell took several TMSA Civil Air Patrol (CAP) cadets to a very special event.
AP Bagnell brought three TMSA cadets, c/A1C Myers, c/Amn Mackey, and c/Amn Miller, to attend the presentation of two Congressional Gold Medals (CGM) at Davidson Methodist Church. The presentation was arranged by the
Union County Composite Squadron. The Cadets also witnessed the posthumous honoring of two CAP members, Edson W. and Jean N. Beatty, who served during World War II. The three children of the Beatty's accepted the honors on their parents' CGMs on their behalf.
It was an extremely significant ceremony for the family and their community. Others in attendance included representatives Senator Thom Tillis, NC Senator Natasha Morris, and NC Representative John Bradford. AP Bagnell and our cadets felt honored to have been able to attend. Our generation of Cadets showed gratitude for the service and sacrifice of those who had gone before, and we are proud to have them represent TMSA.